Canton – One of Michigan’s fastest growing communities and the location of Dr. Read’s Dental Office. Canton is also the home of Kirk Jones, who was the first man to intentionally go down the Niagara Falls with nothing but the clothes on his back. With no barrel, boat, or life jacket, Jones went over the falls and survived back in 2003. Canton is also the hometown of Allison Schmitt who won a gold medal for freestyle swimming in the 2012 London Olympics. Population: 90,173.
Plymouth – Located just 15 miles East of Ann Arbor and 26 miles West of Detroit, but only 13 minutes away from Dr. Read’s Dental Office. Population: 9,132.
Livonia – Just 17 minutes away from Dr. Read’s Dental Office is the city of Livonia. The city is a suburb of Detroit and has a population of 96,942, making it Michigan’s 9th largest city.
Northville – Just as you’d expect, Northville is just North of Canton. Hop on I-275 going South and you’ll find Dr. Read’s Dental Office just West of the freeway. Population: 5,970.